First off, I’m exhausted from the most amazing macabre season a girl could ever ask for. Not only did Brown Paper Tickets name me the Queen of Seattle Gorelesque,but I sold out two shows, one of which being Morbid Curiositease. Currently I have two runs. The Dark Cabaret series really lets anything go but sticks to the musical genre, and heavily showcases sideshow and alternative acts. Morbid Curiositease is much heavier on the burlesque side of things with everything else mixed in. Both shows have seen a great draw and rave reviews. Check out the Seattle Weekly coverage!
The line-up for this just fell into place. It’s perfect and there’s some really fucked up acts. Sailor St Claire, Randi Rascal, Boom Boom L’Roux, Ace Carter, Magi, and Cherry Manhattan. It’s pretty amazing unto itself but once you realize that they each can go as dark as they like… opens up a whole new world. I specifically book performers I’ve worked with and truly enjoy. I think it comes through in the show. Vincent Drambuie will be hosting. He’ll be taking the audience back in time to an ambiguous era. A real experience.
The front man from The Peculiar Pretzelemn, M. Incroyable has started a ragtag band to continue the murder ballad love in Seattle. Not quite as face melting, the West Seattle Ditch Diggers leave me wanting more every time. You can find them here .