After a little break, I’m happy to announce La Petite Mort’s Dark Cabaret for the Dead as my next showcase, on November 3rd at The Rendezvous. I was able to sweet talk the Peculiar Pretzelmen from LA to be the auditory enjoyment. I’m waiting on a couple more confirmations but Twisted Monk, Deirdra,  myself, and someone you might not have seen before, The Shock Doc, will entertain and amaze you!
Diva was not available, but I would never let you down. Cherry Manhattan will be your hostess for the evening and she is spectacular!
As always, treats will be provided. This one is pretty obvious. You’re a smart audience, I think you can guess what Sam will be slaving away over.
More details to follow but in the mean time check out the talent!
Tickets are available. Limited discount pre-sales with promo code “peculiar”