I’m in the process of a new show! It’s also introducing my dog ….drumroll…..Red Rocket as Frankenwenie!
Ever wonder what happened to all those fantastical characters by Tim Burton? Have you been curious about Sally, Ed Wood, Veruca Salt, Frankenweenie or Edward Scissorhands? Where are they now?  Well, they all ran away with the circus hosted by Tim burton himself.Featuring the visual beguilement of:
Lili Delight
Boom Boom L’Roux
Whisper DeCorvo
Twisted Trystan
Ruby Rouge
La Petite Mort
Rebella Revolver
and more tba…
Eargasm enjoyment provided by:
El Randito
Jeff Ferrell
Hosted by the always entertaining Sir Eddie Van Glam as your Ring Leader Tim Burton!
Presales are $15 and $18 at the door.
Categories: Ramblings